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Soul Circle

In 2 hours, you'll Discover...

WHEN: Sunday, January 14, 2024
TIME:  1:00 pm to 3:30 pm
PLACE: South Carlsbad, CA
(location provided at registration)

About The Circle

Join a down-to-earth and heart-centered group of folks to receive a special activation and reading of what is to come forward for you and the collective.

I start off with an overview of what energies are coming forward and a bit about using your soul color. I’ll then go around the room where each person will receive a mini-reading along with their soul color. Limited to 10 people.

When and Where?

Hi, I'm Arden

Tap into your full potential and gain clarity.

I’m a color expert and clairvoyant channel who works with creative leaders and entrepreneurs who are looking to elevate their presence, align with their true purpose, and unlock their unique soul gifts.

In 2013, my gift took a spin and I started seeing soul visions of my clients as I was pulling colors for them. That’s when I discovered we all have soul colors that show our unique purpose. (These are very different from the aura colors that I already was seeing.)

Now, I run an intuitive practice for conscious creatives and entrepreneurs worldwide and create color energy training and guides for color lovers and mystics.

What They Say About Arden…

10% Savings on all readings thru Dec 31. Use code COLORJOY.  Book Appointment