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intuitive Sessions

With Arden

1:1 Sessions

Intuitive Guidance

When you have a session with Arden, you’ll:

  1. Gain Clarity and Insight: Receive detailed visions of imagery, symbols, and colors that support your soul’s growth and purpose, providing you with a clearer understanding of your life’s path.

  2. Connect with Spirit and Higher Self: Explore what Spirit and your Higher Self want you to know for your highest good and greatest joy, aligning you with your true purpose.

  3. Recognize Your Brilliance and Sovereignty: Be guided and supported in recognizing your unique strengths and sovereignty, empowering you to pave your own path.

  4. Live Authentically: Receive guidance on living a fully authentic life that is in harmony with your soul, allowing you to express your true self.

  5. Tap into Intuitive Abilities: Arden’s coaching will help you tap into your own intuitive abilities, deepening your connection to  the divine energy of the universe.

  6. Experience Spiritual Upleveling: Be supported on your journey towards your own growth and self-awareness, exploring the profound beauty and complexity of the cosmos through the lens of color and light.

Initial Client Reading + Vision (75 min)

For first-time clients. Discover your Soullegory (soul’s story) with messages from your Higher Self and guides. The vision is accessed from the Akashic Records and is unique to you. You’ll receive your soul colors and have time to ask clarifying questions as your story unfolds.

Sacred Path Vision Quest*

This is a 2-session series to get you on your path.

In your first session, you’ll receive your Soullegory (soul’s story) with messages from your Higher Self and guides. The vision is accessed from the Akashic Records and is unique to you.

Your second session is held 3+ days later to give you time to process the images, colors, and metaphors that came forward.

During this session, you’ll be guided to unveil and integrate the deeper messages and heal any stuck patterns or obstacles that may get in your way of living a full life. The goal is to activate your gifts and access the wisdom within you.

* Please Note: This is highly recommended for 1st time clients as your first reading is a big picture metaphorical story that is rich in imagery.

Intuitive Reading (30 + 60 min)

Receive messages from your Higher Self and guides in answer to your deepest intentions.

Whether you’re looking for alignment and integration, healing or clarity on a certain project or business, these Spirit-guided sessions are here to assist you.

Intuitive Coaching (60 min)

Receive messages from your Higher Self and guides and unveil and integrate the deeper messages from within.

You’ll be guided using intuitive tools to unstick patterns or obstacles that may get in your way of living a full life. 

1:1 Sessions

Mystic Color Maps

Accessed from the Light Libraries within the Akashic Field, these sessions allow you to see and understand your energetic patterns, cosmic blueprint, and areas of abundance. 

Soul Gifts + Income Map (90 min)

Your Soul Gifts + Income color map outlines your soul’s current energetic blueprint, depicts your soul gifts, and highlights which ones are most likely to bring in income. Includes an intuitive reading to help further align you and get you on the right path. An image of your map is provided.

Aura + Chakra Color Reading (60 min)

In this special reading and healing, your 12 chakras are reviewed and aligned. This will help you energetically manifest things in your life at a rapid rate! You’ll  discover your aura colors and what they say about you and receive a drawing of your aura colors including their meanings.

1:1 Sessions

Color Readings

VIP Half-Day Color + Energy Intensive

This VIP half-day session includes a Personal Presence session, an intuitive soul reading, and an aura color map that unveils your key energetic colors and gifts.

Private Mentoring

If you are committed to deep transformation and ready to make real shifts in your life and work, I also offer mentorship which runs from 6 months to 1 year. It needs to be a good fit for both of us and I encourage you to apply—let’s discover what’s possible for you!

Inspired Clients

Uplifting, Enlightening, Miraculous.

I loved the feeling of intimacy I experienced during the reading. Although we’d never met, there was a closeness and openness you held throughout the entirety of it that made the reading feel even more personal. I’ve had many types of readings from various people in my life and yours was, by far, the most creepily accurate and enlightening.
Jen Disierra
Clarifying, Confirming and Beautiful.

I love Arden!!! I found it valuable to get alternative perspectives especially during times of transition. I have known her for years and trust her and sought her out. The reading’s are relevant, eye opening and valuable.
Dr. Gabrielle Lyon
Everything Resonated on a Deep Level.

Having the visual of the divine support of the Universe helped me move past some stuck feelings. The revelation about what I should be working on and teaching, my mission, was a surprise and yet felt true beyond question. I feel that you have helped energize me toward fulfilling my calling.
High Quality, Spot On, Sincere.

I most like that the From start to finish it was SO spot-on. It felt honest, true, and just the type of confirmation I have been seeking. I loved every minute.

To those that are considering, you won’t regret a moment or a penny! This type of reading was so valuable and since it was so spot-on for me I believe she can be that way for you as well.

And, not only was it spot-on, helpful, supportive, and a confidence builder…it was FUN!
Allyson K.
The Best Life Experience!

I found the reading to be extremely spiritual and beautiful. Arden has a very calm energy and a beautiful gift. If you’re looking at getting a reading, it will be the best life experience you will ever have. I’d describe the reading as spiritual, healing, validating, amazing and intuitive. It was an amazing 60-minute journey.
Love, Gentleness, Clarity.

I most like that the message I received ties in my spiritual being/journey with the human experiences that I yearn for in this lifetime. It’s like all communication lines were open and the pictures shown were exactly what I needed/wanted to know. I would say (and have) that having a reading with Arden is an experience you don’t want to miss. Spirit and Guides will share what you need to know in beautifully described scenarios that will make perfect sense.
Kate Gulash
San Diego
Informative, Inspirational, Affirming.

I loved the affirmation of some of the things my soul has been telling me. Arden brings so much to the table with her readings. She is very gifted and was spot on with so many things! It’s beyond your intuitive readings, and very refreshing!
Nourishing to My Soul

Arden’s incredible and has access to the inner workings and depths of our soul! She can see clearly and gives insights that only our higher selves would know. Arden is truly gifted and I highly recommend her to anyone who is on the path of doing soul work.
Intuitive, Powerful, Affirming

I loved the Soullegory and how it touched on so many aspects. If you’re considering a reading, be prepared to be amazed and to have your eyes opened up to what is possible in front of you.
Jane M.

philosophy + code of ethics

At our very essence, we are all of Divine light which is expressed uniquely through color. This source energy is pure love and as we connect deeply to our souls through our energetic colors and vibrations, we find our true purpose and joy. 

My work is based on a strong foundation of professional integrity and spiritual ethics. Of the utmost importance is honoring your full essence throughout the process of our work together:

  • I maintain the boundaries of myself and my clients. I never journey, intuit or conduct energetic healing for you without your express permission and conscious participation.
  • My human expression provides a unique lens through which my work is done. There is no hierarchy in the multidimensional spirit realms and as such, I don’t claim superiority/inferiority with others regards to my intuitive work, teachings, or offerings.
  • I practice using non-judgment to describe what Spirit is sharing for your highest good. I recognize that an object in 3D may very well have a different meaning in the dimension I’m working so I maintain a child’s viewpoint to see/hear/sense.
  • I practice spiritual hygiene daily and continually align and embody my Higher Self so that I can be of service.
  • I understand and practice from the path of guidance. I know that we all have the answers within us and that I am there as a guide only, not as an “advice-giver.”
  • I create a safe space and container for you by maintaining your confidentiality and referring you to other qualified professionals or specialists when doing so might better serve you.
  • An intuitive reading is not a replacement for legal, financial, medical, or any other professional advice & should not be considered an alternative by the client. Please consult the appropriate professional for your needs.

10% Savings on all readings thru Dec 31. Use code COLORJOY.  Book Appointment