What ColorFluency has to do with expressing your true self + Power
Color is a language that pervades both the visible and
Temporary inflation-relief pricing on all video courses. Use code HEART2023
Color is a language that pervades both the visible and
https://youtu.be/SWiQ_EdSm5k Some of us women entrepreneurs who are creative, inspired,
Perhaps you’ve found yourself uttering one or all of the following…
“If I looked good in yellow, I’d wear it.”
“If I looked good without makeup, I’d go natural.”
“If I felt safe in not being judged as old, I’d go gray.”
You have colors that transform and empower your authentic beauty. At Arden Reece Color, we look at your entire authentic expression in order to uncover the colors that support and inspire you. At the core of your own personal color palette are your High-Vibe Colors™.
Color affects us physically, psychologically and spiritually. It protects us from
Jhirmack hosted a Silver Sisters event in San Diego to share silver hair tips and techniques from color experts on hair, makeup and style. I was one of the presenters showing what colors work best for silver hair.
10% Savings on all readings thru Dec 31. Use code COLORJOY. Book Appointment