Last updated on March 26, 2021
Using color for healing is incredibly beneficial and blue-violet energy is one that helps you to get calm and go within to listen to your inner wisdom…especially when life gets craZy.
A very dear friend of mine (who’s every bit a normal single working mom) was describing some very exciting and crazy things that were happening in her life. She was ever-mindful of ensuring she didn’t disrupt her kids’ energy at home.
Exasperated by trying to make sense of it all, she looked at me for some wisdom,
“What is happening to me?!?” she exclaimed amidst her laughter. Then, without missing a beat, she bellowed:
The vortex is crazy town. The vortex is the energetic chaos we find ourselves in from time-to-time. It is unavoidable in this world but not unmanageable.
The vortex is where we may find ourselves having too much or too little in an area of our life such as money, relationships, health…you get the idea. It’s a vortex of energy disruption and scrambling; if you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself upside-down.
Remain calm and move on
There is a way for you to have a calm and upright presence in the vortex and then slowly move out of it. Moving from the flow of jumbled energy to a flow that is constant and calm takes some time, just as it took you to get immersed in the vortex.

The vortex starts with the yielding to a flow of energy (as seen above in the light blue wavy line at the bottom.) You can get sucked up pretty quickly or remain calm and flow along the bottom with no issues.
When good things finally start to happen for us, we tend to let go because we feel we no longer need to “work” on ourselves. Inversely, when things start to go bad, we can immediately go to over-thinking and worrying.
And that’s when the vortex sucks you in! Vortexes build and feed off of a group’s energy and fear. It’s a constant practice of mindfulness to not feed into it (which is sometimes hard, especially at the onset.)
Yielding to the flow of the Universe and the flow of the Vortex are two different things and experiences:
- The flow of the Universe (Divine, God, Source, however you define your higher power) is constant and full of unlimited love and gifts.
- The flow of the Vortex is jumbly and initially exhilarating—yet in the end, it’s soul-crushing and unreliable.
Many get caught up in a particular vortex to never escape.
As an example, if you’re in a new relationship, you may find yourself giving up some of your daily practices to make room for your new person. It’s a whirlwind (vortex!) of fun yet staying true to your soul’s purpose is key in order to maintain your equilibrium and balance.
That’s where the help of Blue-Violet comes in.
The healing qualities of blue-violet energy
Blue-violet enables you to connect to source easily due to its high vibration and frequency. It gives you inner stability and insight by allowing you to remain calm as you flow through new emotions and process them. It is the counter-balance to the passionate (and sometimes CrAzY) Red. In fact, it’s a 90 degree hard angle to 10RV (which in Munsell notation is a rich, pinkish-red.)
If you get “caught up” in the vortex, you can get yourself upright.
Blue-violet is all about SIGHT. Don’t lose “sight.” Keep it about you…the true essence of you.
Arden Reece
Remember, the flow of the Divine is not in the vortex. Pure love—the full love of the Divine—will not be found there.
Divine and perfect love do not have waves and torrents like life’s vortex. It just IS. Flow in the peace it provides. There is nothing to fear there.
Blue-Violet brings you strength, inner peace, and connection to see your Divine truth.
Download Your Free Wallpaper And Get Inspired
By using Blue-Violet, which brings you spiritual stability and insight, I created this special mantra wallpaper for you when you find yourself in the vortex.
Blue-Violet souls are known as the cosmic seers; they read between the lines and see things for what they are. Rely on blue-violet to help you move from ‘I’m in the vortex’ to ‘I see my own Divine Truth.’
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