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sexy silver sisters in san diego

Jhirmack hosted a Silver Sisters event in San Diego to share silver hair tips and techniques from color experts on hair, makeup and style. I was one of the presenters showing what colors work best for silver hair.

It was so awesome to host Jhirmack in my ‘hood and have their regional event here in beautiful SD. Here’s a fun video that Jamison from Studio Sage put together. I’ve been honored to be their color expert & spokesperson for silver hair style for 5 of their events.

If you’re ready to take your silver-hair beauty to the next level, learn how in my Sexy, Silver & Radiant Masterclass here >

2 Ways to Unveil the Secrets Within YOU(hue):

1. Determine your soul color with a Guided Meditation
2. Create an integrated and authentic life with private, intuitive guidance.

10% Savings on all readings thru Dec 31. Use code COLORJOY.  Book Appointment